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So you want to do a #lovechallengeUS?

We at JTEP believe that charity starts at home. That's why all of our programs first started with our own families; we realized the solutions we had for them would be good solutions for other families dealing with similar problems.

Why should you start with your family?

We think that it is amazing that so many people have a heart to help strangers, but most of us don't have to look beyond our own families to see a need that we can meet.  We too have been guilty of helping others and ignoring or not asking about the needs of our own relatives.

What is the #lovechallengeUS?

JTEP, WTMP Radio, and Bridgeprep Academy of Tampa have joined forces to challenge all of Tampa Bay to perform acts of love for their own family members.  Can you think of all of the problems we can solve, the change that we can create in the Tampa Bay Area, if each of us helps our loved ones?

How can you join in?

Complete your #lovechallengeUS and post on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter about your act of love.  Challenge 1-3 other people in your post to #lovechallengeUS too.  Be sure to tag us, and we'll give you a shout out!

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